
Long-Distance Relationship Survival Guide: Expert Tips for Success

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Making a long-distance relationship work is not easy. So we turned to an expert to clarify all our doubts on the subject and tell us what signs indicate whether a relationship has a future or not.

Long-distance relationships are all the rage nowadays! And we’re not just saying that. According to statistics released by the DouLike.com site, in the United States alone, over 14 million couples are currently in a long-distance relationship.

However, according to data shared by the same online dating portal, around 60% of such relationships end due to unexpected situations. And more than half of those surveyed reported fearing that their partners would be unfaithful.

Long-Distance Relationship Survival Guide: Expert Tips for Success

So what can we do to make this type of relationship work? To answer this question, we spoke with psychologist Fátima Cortez, an expert in romantic relationships, who guided us on what we can do to strengthen the bonds with that special someone.

“After having a long-distance relationship, it’s always important to see each other in person within the first 6 months, or the relationship won’t flourish, whether he travels, you travel, or you meet at an intermediate point because love is also something physical and you have to be compatible in that aspect. That first trip is for laying the foundation of a relationship and seeing how compatible you are physically,” says Cortez.

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Long-Distance Relationship Survival Guide: Expert Tips for Success

After that comes the complicated part, where each one returns to their normal life, work, school, etc. Here is where, according to Cortez, it’s crucial to have well-established routines, like a morning call, a midday check-in, or messages at a specific time of day. This, according to the expert, maintains the bond between partners.

What are the signs that the relationship has a future?

  • They care about your daily life and ask about your day.
  • They have a daily routine, sending messages, audios, or making calls at the same time.
  • They talk about the future in a realistic way. They let you know you have a place in their future.
  • They make plans for the medium and long term. Medium-term plans include trips to see each other. Long-term plans involve marriage or living together.
  • They give you quality time every day. You know that when they talk to you, they are fully present.

What are the signs that the relationship has no future?

  • They ignore you while talking to you, meaning they are focused on other things. You are just another requirement they have to fulfill.
  • They don’t want to talk about the future. They are uncomfortable expressing their long-term intentions openly.
  • They are in no hurry to make plans to see each other again. In fact, they always prolong the time.
  • They ignore your messages for hours (according to our expert, writing a text to someone takes 30 seconds). Rest assured, if they don’t have time to respond to your messages, you don’t matter.
  • All their commitments are much more important than you.

Within relationships, nothing is set in stone, but our professional assures us that these 10 signs could help you better understand the status of your relationship. She also emphasizes a very important aspect within this dynamic: “Both girls and boys perceive their roles very differently, so don’t be afraid to ask for what you think is necessary.”

Making a long-distance relationship work is not easy, but it’s not impossible either. Give this type of relationship a chance, ask for what you need, and always be clear. This is the best way to make it work.

About the author: Paulina Aguilar