
Burn 800 Calories in 3 Minutes With This Technique 

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Cryotherapy is a technique that consists of exposing the skin’s surface to very low temperatures for therapeutic purposes.

What would you be willing to do in order to lose weight? Would you be able to put yourself in a kind of freezer for three minutes? Believe it or not, more and more women are joining this method known as Cryotherapy, a cold treatment that promises to burn up to 800 calories in 3 minutes.

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Although the concept is nothing new (as this method has been used for many years to treat various ailments such as sprains, vascular inflammations or skin tumors), it is increasingly used as a treatment for weight loss.

At first, it was used in the form of gels, creams or cold lotions to reduce inches and tone certain areas of the body, but as this treatment has evolved, interest is growing in cold baths performed in a kind of freezer at a temperature of -264 degrees Fahrenheit.

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This technique, which lasts three minutes, not only promises to burn 800 calories but also helps to release endorphins (yes, those same ones released when you fall in love or eat chocolate), improve sleep, boost the immune system, and reduce inflammation. According to a report in New York Magazine, it even smooths wrinkles.

What is the price of this treatment that celebrities like Demi Moore, Jennifer Aniston, and Jessica Alba use? Between $65 and $90 per session, depending on the city you are in. In California, for example, prices are much more affordable, while in places like New York, the price per session can increase considerably.

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What are the side effects of this technique? This treatment is not recommended for everyone; cryotherapy may affect individuals with respiratory diseases, heart problems, or nervous system diseases. Therefore, it is recommended that before undergoing any treatment of this type, you consult a family doctor to determine if this is a suitable method for you.

Now that you know about cryotherapy, do you dare to try it?

About the author: Sandra Ortiz